Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cause and Effects of Propaganda Essay

Throughout history you find that many techniques of propaganda have affected today’s society. Whether it affects it in a good way or a bad way, propaganda is efficacious and does influence the way we think and act. You probably aren’t aware of what sort of propaganda is circling its way around, but once you are, you’ll think â€Å"wow did I really fall for that†? Propaganda is â€Å"information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc† (Dictionary. Com). There are several techniques of propaganda. It can go to anywhere from a glittering generalities commercial with enough colors galore for you to actually purchase it, to a name calling ad saying that your choice of candidate is not the word you’d like him or her to be called. All of these propaganda techniques leave some sort of impact on your mind. There are three types of different messages your mind could classify propaganda underneath, one is being Ethos. An ethos message can be a message from propaganda ads advertising some one or something in your favor. In that case you might just be convinced that the product or message the advertiser is trying to tell to you about is worth it or correct. In commercials using ethos you’ll find that most of the ads are basically a testimonial ad. Advertisers take in mind that there is a chance that a famous star or person is someone you would admire and in that case you’d believe what the commercial advertisers want you to believe. The next message there is to look at is a pathos message. That being a message that is sent to you arousing your emotions to think differently. The American Cancer Society could put up an ad with a child hooked up to what seems like a million IV’s. This would affect people with a sympathetic mind who actually will look at the piteous sight and will be willing to donate those ten dollars because some advertiser knew he could get you with that little child. The final & third message is a Logos Message. When you hear or look at a logos type message you will find yourself come to reasoning. You’ll find yourself doing that because propaganda plus a logos message behind it will make sense and be clear and it will be seem realistic at the time. A logos message will send your mind the message â€Å"that’s a good reason to get that/ believe that†. Now knowing these three types of propaganda you are more aware of how to recognize propaganda and what it is classified as. How much can propaganda affect you and those around you? Looking at the three kinds of propaganda messages, you realize how easy it is for you and others to fall into a propaganda trap. A propagandist wants to do three things. One, they want to modify the content of our opinion, two, change most of society’s views, and three they want to destroy the moral of an enemy (259 Ellul). Sounds pretty evil right? If the finale of a propagandists â€Å"show† happens, it is thanks to society, the people who purchased the tickets to see that the moral enemy is destroyed. Not only will it affect the person being destroyed but it will affect us. Propaganda doesn’t simply leave an effect on ones thoughts it can adjust our attitude for life. â€Å"The way in which an individual reacts to a stimulus depends on the entire pattern of his attitudes†¦ Therefore propaganda must base itself on existing tendencies to have the greatest effect (279 Ellul). Jacques Ellul endorses that a propagandist will do anything to change our attitude because our attitude is the way we react to things and fulfill our life. Ponder about your attitude towards life. It probably has been influenced by propaganda without you even knowing. For instance you could be a teenager reading a magazine, you probably feel a little under pressure because you’ll never be like Taylor Swift. You’ll just spend long years caring about something that’s not going to happen and you don’t even recognize that the magazine you looked at for ten minutes switched your attitude towards yourself for many long years. Its time to take charge, and time for society to realize our own genuine beliefs. We as a group need to come out of the media and look at we really believe deep down inside. (16 Hibbert) Think before you share your opinions and make sure they aren’t lead by beliefs you as a person would actually never believe if it wasn’t for propaganda. We need to never let propaganda get a hold of us because once we do it will set off a trend if it already hasn’t. As shown in the past, propaganda has killed a whole nation; it has been sinner’s best friend. Propaganda can go a long way. Many leaders have gained power and authority through it. Stalin in the Russian revolution had propaganda as his oxygen basically. It is what kept him running. Within the revolutionary war people, wanted the Tsar, the leader at the time, to be thrown out and within time he was killed. Momentarily Stalin was in for leader. At the time of the circumstance, the communist controlled the paper company making Stalin seem like a really good guy, also history books were rewritten so it would show the â€Å"importance† of Stalin. It can be quite amusing to see how far people will go for a disaster waiting to happen. While kissing up to society and making sure his image looked great, Stalin was able to organize 10 million independent farmers to form a communist collective farm. And when they didn’t cooperate, he went and organized troops to kill them. Realizing the ammo was a little bit too much out of his selfish pocket he managed to remove most sources of food and cause the farmers to starve to death. But society thought Stalin was good. It doesn’t take that much brain power to realize that propaganda had a lot to do with this. If people in the first place would’ve just stood up and said Stalin was doing bad pernicious things, no one would’ve believed the propaganda communist were sending around (756 Bullock). Stalin was not the only man in history that used propaganda to his advantage. Adolf Hitler hit home base being able to convince part of the European Nation that all Jews were bad and weren’t human whatsoever. He then hit second base being able to form a group of Nazis to help him with his dream. Getting to third base, basically was making sure all the propaganda he needed to be spread got into the human mind. He made home base by killing around 6 million Jews; unfortunately he won his game. Yet again I don’t know why people couldn’t catch his teams’ ball by standing up and saying it was wrong in the first place. Did anyone ever stop to look at the propaganda being exposed and say what the heck?. No instead they just looked at the ball and let it go because what good could they do? In today’s society we can find propaganda being used all the time. 694 Bullock) Right now Obama is taking the word â€Å"hope† and using it as his own. He is giving it a new meaning. He is using pathos and making you feel better about choosing him as your president. Meanwhile he doesn’t show all the mishaps along the road that are soon to come. Don’t be the person to let propaganda affect someone else’s WHOLE life because you looked at it for three seconds. Because if one man can start only god knows what one person influenced can do. Now you may wonder how in the world you can ever make sure you’re not falling for a propagandists trap. The first thing you should do is form a belief system, and examine it to make sure that what you say you believe is actually what you believe. Then you should really just be careful before you judge. When you say something that might possibly cause controversy, don’t let thoughts influenced by propaganda get in the way. If you have even the slightest care for humanity, you won’t permit propaganda to cause or provoke someone again, and if you don’t have the slightest care, maybe should find somewhere in your heart to fit it. Because propaganda is powerful and will influence the way you think and act.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Causes A Crisis

Such a question may at first seem unanswerable because there are so many different kinds of unpleasant situations into which we humans can get ourselves. In one word, however, the real culprit is probably ignorance. Ignorance, as used here, does not imply a lack of formal education, since one frequently sees highly educated persons getting into serious personal crises. Real ignorance is a lack of understanding of the law of cause and effect in our own lives. Many of us seem to think that we can do whatever feels good–acquire wealth, achieve status, pursue romantic conquests, eat heartily, and so forth– ften at the expense of others, without ever having to concern ourselves with the consequences of such living. We foolishly ignore the karmic wisdom expressed in those popular phrases: â€Å"What goes around comes around. † and â€Å"Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. † Pain, unpleasant as it may be, is our stern benefactor. It teaches us vital lessons as to the conduct of our lives. Feeling pain means that something just isn’t working and that it’s time to change ourselves or get help through another’s experience. Getting help is a wise first step toward overcoming ignorance. When we hurt and really need the help, we listen attentively with mind and heart. We begin to learn those lessons which will prevent us from getting into similar predicaments later on. Some of us have to suffer consequential pain over and over before we are finally ready to seek out its causes. But eventually we say â€Å"Enough! and get to work. What if the crisis is not our fault, we might ask. Frequently a crisis victim who thinks himself to be blameless will lash out at society, chance, God, fate, the system, his family, or whatever other abstraction it is most convenient to blame. But the threads of cause and effect are many and multicolored. Our puny minds can hardly know for sure how or when an effect will blossom from a previous cause, nor what combinations of circumstances are being dealt to us by our own past choices. We are the masters of our future because we are free beings, but we are equally the slaves of our past and must pay folly’s price. Helpers in many different roles are available to give us the timely aid we need when in crisis. There are friends, psychiatrists, pastors, counselors, teachers, crisis line operators, doctors, nurses, social workers, nd numerous other sources of reeducation when we are up against a wall. If we will only ask them, they can help us overcome that ignorance which has, at least in part, caused us our present agony. Situations are many and varied, but it is safe to say that a situation never becomes a crisis until it involves pain. Pain spurs us on to ask, and exactly at that point is where solid and beneficial learning can begin. Whatever our diplomas and degrees, this is the only real learning. It is this learning that sets us free. Ignorance, mistakes, pain, learning, freedom–so goes the eternal cycle of human evolution.

Explication on a poem by Blanche Farley Essay

The human mind is in a constant state of flux. More so, a woman’s. Blanche Farley’s The Lover not Taken, beautifully captures the vacillating moods of a woman in and out love, and lends a very daring outrageous image of a woman’s mind. ‘The lover not taken’, in the life of the woman in Farley’s poem would be the significant choice made in a woman’s life – one that decides her character, her destiny. In this, it is as significant as ‘The Road not Taken’. The poem is a beautiful play of comparison and contrast of thought and feeling, of idealism versus realism, the heart and the mind. All alone, Farley’s Madame Bovary waits in time, left to herself. The woman, already bound and claimed in marriage, caught in turmoil, stands pondering at the crossroads, on the verge of giving in to the charms of her new-found suave lover’s lovely hair and smile Unhappy in a marriage, a woman’s heart is unchained, still seeking love. Having found it, the temptation to infidelity looms large. Yet the sensitive niche, in which a woman places herself, prevents her from giving herself freely away to her feelings. Her hating to face the sensitive situation, wishing not to displease her husband nor her lover, yet poignantly wanting to have the cake and eat it, – the vagaries of a woman are picturesquely portrayed. Mulling and wanting, weighing the outcomes of each decision, it is not until the last two lines of the poem, that the mood of the protagonist is actually decided. It appears as if she were her own judge, laying before herself the facts and reasons over which of the two men she would choose and why, and how. Structurally, every line of the poem ends in a pause, a change of mood, a dilemma. The end of every line assumes the consequence of its own course. Are the smiles of her charming lover more endearing than solemn promises of her husband, which he wears in his wedding ring? Guilt-ridden, she does admit her husband is indeed true to her. Yet, what of her love? Awaiting a twist of destiny, expecting a ‘way leading on to a way’, she hopes to find happiness in her love. Hoping for her love to receive her some day, well knowing the grave consequences of adultery, she heaves a sigh of lament. The irresolute, hesitant nature of thought is reflected through the juxtaposition of words like ‘mulling’ and ‘wanting’. Her desire is more for, her lover’s ‘smile’ than her husband’s ‘claim’. She imagines if her blonde lover ‘dropped by some day’, she wonders in fear if her husband, having known about her affair, ‘would ever come back’. Her need to stay in a marriage is very strong, when she tries to think ahead in time, several years away, when she would be recounting her tale to someone, and rejoice at how loyal a wife she had remained. It is only the security of a marriage and a home, which can subconsciously provide her such a stable thought. How finally primordial instincts win over moral values is captured as a conclusion to the poem. Unable to give up either her marriage or love, the woman decides to play it safe, both in love and marriage. It is very ironical that the poem begins with the word ‘committed’. Is the woman really committed to the one who has a claim on her? The frail-minded woman torn between her lover and husband becomes ready to turn into an unconscionable adulteress towards the end of the poem! To reach home and call the lover marks the culmination of this complete turnabout. To enjoy both the comfort of home and the heart, is a secret she alone would know and unflinchingly cherish! Throughout the poem, there is a heavy sense of remorse and regret, and perennial guilt. She finds no peace with any of her feelings. Works Cited â€Å"Road Not Taken: Analysis†. 19 May 2010. MegaEssays. com .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Value Added Tax in European countries Research Paper

Value Added Tax in European countries - Research Paper Example It was evident that if there was ever going to be an efficient single market in Europe, a neutral and transparent turnover tax system was required which ensured tax neutrality and allowed the exact amount of tax to be rebated at the point of export. This created tax is known as Value Added Tax (VAT). Drawing reference to Economy Watch (2011), it described Value Added Tax (VAT) as being a special type of indirect tax in which a sum of money is levied at a particular stage in the sale of a product or service. Initiated for the first time April 10, 1954 in France by Maurice Laure; the joint director of tax authority, the VAT is designed to eliminate any problems which may be caused by double taxations. The VAT is intended to be charged whenever there is some added value to raw materials. The taxpayers on the other hand, will get credit for the amount of tax paid off at the stages of procurement. For further clarification, the European Commission Taxation and Customs Union declares a tax able person as any individual, partnership, company or whatever which supplies the taxable goods and services in the course of business. However, if the annual turnover of this person is less than a certain limit (the threshold), which differs according to the member State, the person does not have to charge VAT on their sales. The VAT due on any sale is a percentage of the sale price but from this the taxable person is entitled to deduct all the tax already paid at the preceding stage. As such, double taxation is avoided and tax is paid only on the value added at each stage of production and distribution. In this way, as the final price of the product is equal to the sum of the values added at each preceding stage, the final VAT paid is made up of the sum of the VAT paid at each stage. The value added tax system deals with these problems quite efficiently. As VAT is imposed on value addition - at every single stage - there is no incidence of cascading. In this way, the final consum ers bear the burden of paying value added tax. This system involves absolute transparency at every stage of taxation, thereby making the tax system quite comprehensible and simple ( For the purpose of exports between community and non-member countries, no VAT is charged on the transaction and the VAT is already charged on the transaction and the VAT already paid on the inputs of the goods for export is deducted – this is an exemption with the right to deduct the input VAT, also called ‘zero-rating’. That means there is no residual VAT contained in the export price. However, as far as imports are concerned, VAT must be paid at the moment the goods are imported so they are immediately placed on the same footing as equivalent goods produced in the community. Taxable people registered for VAT will be able deduct this VAT on their next VAT return. The system has proven to be effective in avoiding problems caused by double taxation of goods and service s and also problems with the conventional sales tax. Compared to the VAT, the Sales tax does not provide for input tax credit, which means that the consumer may pay tax on an input that has already been previously taxed. This scenario should be better able to explain the VAT system in Europe. This scenario will take a rate of 10% 1. The Manufacturer pays $1.10 for raw materials.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Global economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global economy - Essay Example These opportunities are found in major developing countries like India and China, where a large population results in excess of labor demand over supply; leading to comparatively cheap skilled and unskilled labor being available (Dominguez, pp. 5, 2005). At a superficial glance, when a multinational invests in a country overseas, the partnership seems beneficial. Both the parties seem to profit. The multinational company finds a new domain to practice business on, while the country involved benefits due to the creation of jobs in its economy as well as the expansion in the consumer market due to the addition of the MNC’s product. There is however, a more deep-rooted impact of this operation, which implies increased benefit for the MNC and less benefit for the developing country. The nation state, which allows the multinational to operate within its borders, seldom sees the profit from the company’s operations (Chen, pp. 136, 2003). Multinational company, upon earning th is profit, will whisk the profit out of the country to its own origin and home. Resultantly, even when million-dollar companies enter a developing country’s market, the million-dollar profit is not beneficial to the country itself in any way. If evaluated by the subjective eye, the situation can appear as if the MNC exploits the hosting country for its cheap labor and consumer market, while paying back only the bare minimum in the form of wages, while earning a massive profit as well as a beneficial expansion in operations. The operations of a multinational consist of combining the expertise (especially new technology) and the stock capital of the multinational with any opportunities the MNC may find in other countries in the form of cheap labor and other resources, leading to an increased output (Toyne, pp. 42, 2009). The result is often a substantial profit that the investors in the multinational divide amongst themselves and take home. While arguments both favor and oppose this distribution to solely the owners, the unbiased spectator has to admit that there is no legal ground upon which one can object to this distribution. The question that follows is that is there no way out of this redundant cycle for the developing countries? Will they continue to serve the multinationals with their cheap labor without ever seeing a reasonable share of the end profit? To answer this question, one has to evaluate the situation objectively. Since only the investors of a business are entitled to profits, the only way a nation state can fairly demand a share of the profit is by being one of the risk takers of the business. Investors in the MNC who belong to the hosting country share the profit of the company, and it is their decision whether to keep their share within the country, or to send it elsewhere (Nagle, pp. 104, 1998). If the nation state makes investment attractive for these stakeholders, they are tempted to keep the profits within the country to invest. Th is is often not the case in developing countries, where the government policies underestimate the importance of investment. In a country where the government policies promote investment using fiscal and monetary rewards, the country’s economy gains much more benefit through the operations of multinationals. Not only does investment from several sources increase, MNC operations in the country have a two-fold favorable impact

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Temperature Control In Foods (Milk) Delivered To Hospitals In Saudi Research Proposal

Temperature Control In Foods (Milk) Delivered To Hospitals In Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example This research study is likely to make a significant difference with regard to milk storage and delivery not only in the medical setting but also in other sectors like milk processing and storage in retail shops such as supermarkets. This will be achieved as a result of the researcher making applicable recommendations that are within the requirements of the Saudi Food & Drug Authority, the body that is in charge of ensuring that all food substances reaching the citizens are within the required standards. The body works with other relevant stakeholders like the ministry of health in cross-examining the quality of the foodstuffs and drugs in the state's market. This research conducts using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, meaning that the researcher will combine both qualitative and quantitative research concepts. The researcher uses quantitative tactics in collecting data relating to temperature control in milk delivered in hospitals in Saudi Arabia. During this research study, the researcher is not likely to be in a situation that may lead to a violation of respondents’ rights. However, the researcher will safeguard respondents’ right to privacy by withholding any information that they may feel confident or secretive like business secrets, profitability, or any other area that the researcher may be interested in investigating. In addition, the researcher will ensure that respondents are aware that their businesses are being examined for academic purposes though the findings may be used as reference sources during other studies.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Risk Management - Essay Example Apart from corporate institutions, there have been other times when nations, states, municipals, companies and individuals have had the task of undertaking major developmental projects such as the construction of malls, stadiums, roads, bridges and so on. These are also projects that demand a carefully tailored project management scheme to ensure successful completion (Department of Defense, 2008). Among the core components of project management is the management of risk, including procurement risks. This paper shall therefore review the role of project management in ensuring success in project delivery; particularly with an emphasis on procurement in the supply chain management of projects. Overview of Project Management The need to manage projects is set rolling by the fact that there are projects to manage. It is just right to therefore first give an indication of what a project is. In the view of Smith (2009), â€Å"A project is a group of activities undertaken to meet one or mo re specific objectives.† This means that a project is made up of a series of tasks that must be delivered as a process rather than an event (Department of Defense, 2007). ... Among all the works that the project manager must do, risk management is one area that when slightly overlooked could lead to a lot of disastrous failure. The following sections therefore narrow the discussion on project management down to risk management with particular emphasis on the risk that comes with procurement. What is Risk? In project management, risk may simply be referred to as an uncertainty (Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996). This means that risks arise when in the course of the project delivery, certain uncertainties pull their heads. The Project Management Informed Solutions (2012) identifies two major sources of project risks, which they claim come from dependencies and assumptions. With reference to dependencies, there could be both external and internal dependencies to the project and each of these could result in major uncertainties that are unknown to the project manager. This brings to context, the discussion on procurement as a major entity that possesses a lot of ris k to project managers. The reason why this is so is that in procurement, project managers hardly have any infleucne on the external manipulations that will be associated with the process. For instance once the bidding process in opened and a procuring company is landed upon, all the determinants of the items that are being sourced to be delivered becomes dependant on the procuring agent rather than the delivering company. Ultimately, risk could therefore be given as the product of impact and probability. There shall later be detailed discussion on probability and impact as the component of risk. Importance of Risk in all Projects Having

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Short Paper on the Inside the Solar System Essay

A Short Paper on the Inside the Solar System - Essay Example It will focus on Karl Tate’s article on the solar system, presented in 2011 at The solar system comprises of eight planets and five dwarf planets. This is according to a valid astronomers count (Tate, 2011). Some of the terrestrial planets include Mars, Neptune and the inner planets also called the Jovian planets. Dwarf planets are small in size. The sun is the closest planet to planet earth and the largest object in the solar system. The sun is orbited by eight planets. Meteors and meteoroids are strip of lights commonly referred to as falling or shooting stars although they are not stars. They consist of small pieces of rocks or metals that come from space into the sky and move at a remarkably high speed. Comets are larger than meteors. They move at a much lower rate and have tails. Comets consist of mostly ice and rocks. Asteroids are small rocky objects with round or irregular shapes (Tate, 2011). In conclusion, the publication shows the beauty and the science behind what is observed from time to time in the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Media and Education Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Media and Education - Personal Statement Example This report declares that there are diverse ways in which students at the college level can be able to practice serious reflections. Students should practice reflection by not utilizing internet while carrying out their assignments. They should learn to reflect on what they had learned during their class time and apply in their assignments. Assignment being part of the learning process should be given after a lecturer has tackled the topic. This will enable students think and reflect what they have been taught, and handle their tasks well. Use of technological devices such as calculator should be avoided and enable the students to reflect, think critically on tasks, and tackle them effectively. Simulation mode of study should be employed in colleges; these modes of study allow the student to apply what they had acquired during classroom and apply in an environment similar to the actual environment. This paper makes a conclusion that technology has rendered communities incapable to think and reflect rationally. Technology has come up with ways of doing things in shortcut and does not pose a challenge to individuals. Student are the ones affected most, with the presence of internet and communication system, it leads in students utilization of technology more than carrying out tasks on their own. For instances, mathematics are calculated using calculator instead of a student to think critically and reflects on what they were taught in class. Technology also has harbored individual’s creativity as most of the activities are carried through internet.

Case Study ( see uploaded files) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

Case Study ( see uploaded files) - Assignment Example Continuous communication and consultation with the leads of major sectors can compensate for their absence on the  planning  team. A difference is made between the focus and level of detail in  strategic  plan elements and what is granted in each department/programs annual goals and action steps. However, a glossary was part of the  strategic  plan, "goals," "objectives," and "action steps" were not discussed. On the other hand, there were some misunderstandings about how these  strategic  plan factors fit together. Use the  planning  committee members to draft everything up to the point of assignment of responsibility and the specific action steps/strategies for achieing the objectives. Such an exercise allows the proper department heads to draft these more detailed statements. If this is not workable, at least include department leads by having them co-ordinate to the committees work. Reading about the theory and mechanics of  strategic  planning  and reviewing other libraries  strategic  plans, however, are only the first steps toward achieving a workable plan for ones own library and garnering sufficient support to make the plan a reality. According to Edward R (1996) Nestle puts continuously its efforts to understand the better changing lifestyle of people and predict the needs of consumer in order to provide Health and Wellness, Nutrition and Taste through its offerings of the product. The culture of renovation and innovation within the company can access to the group of Nestles brands/technology expertise. They also affect the centralized facilities of the Research and Development which gives a distinct advantage of efforts. It helps the company to create a value that can be supported over the long term by offering the customers a wide variety of high quality safe products of food at affordable price. Brown L R (1991) says that Nestle manufactures the products of the international quality under

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Learning to Read and Write Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Learning to Read and Write - Essay Example When the boy made rapid progress, she proudly reported the fact to her husband, who berated her for her pains. She was not only breaking the law, she was doing something 'unsafe'-for learning would make the boy unfit to be a slave, and unmanageable too. Mrs Auld followed her husband's orders-and soon became a new woman. Whereas she had earlier been good and kind, she turned cruel and harsh. The sight of the slave with a book or a newspaper in his hand was hateful to her. She kept the closest vigil to monitor his questionable movements. "Irresponsible power" had corrupted and changed her, through and through. Douglass records how he resorted to various "stratagems" to steal an education, with help from street-urchins and ship carpenters, and by surreptitious use of his young master's copybook, a Webster's Spelling Book, and a powerful book of speeches and dialogues that he was lucky to lay hands on. The story of his determined conquest of his own illiteracy is amazing. No wonder he had to write it out for people to believe that he had really risen from the ashes of oppression, rather than from the rungs of opportunity. Alice Walker's "Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self" tells the story of her finally coming to terms with what seemed to her a life-changing deformity. She remembers her life from around two and a half years till the age of eight as an idyllic period, when she knew she was both cute and sensible and had no doubt that she was the apple of her father's eye. Then, her elder brothers were given guns and pellets to play with and one of them accidentally fired the shot that left the little girl one-eyed and physically scarred for ever, and mentally scarred and scared for almost two decades. When she learns to look at herself through the eyes of her own child, she sees a 'world' unseen till then, and is free to dance again with herself. After her accident, although things changed enormously for her, the physical change was not really noticed by those close to her, and therefore, they failed to notice the inner change in her. Years later, when she spoke of the 'change' to them, they responded by asking, "What do you mean" Walker rephrases the question to herself, (and to her readers), "What do I mean" Others fail to understand her, and she fails to understand herself. It required some surgery to make her confident enough to look at other people again, and, when she did this, others looked at her, and she got a boy friend, popularity, the status of valedictorian and 'queen' of her class. Then, the sight of a beautiful desert made her aware of the blessing of having at least one eye to see it with. Her child it was who finally liberated her. The three-year-old child became aware of her mother's face for the first time in her life. She looked carefully and closely, taking the face in her dimpled palms with maternal gentleness. Walker dreaded the words that would follow, but what the child said must have filled her with an almost unbearable lightness of being. The child's words were, "Mommy, there's a world in your eye." And then, gently, but with great interest: "Mommy, where did you get that world in your eye" Walker says that "the pain left then." She could see her face as something that others could love and as something that she should love. It had taught her all she knew of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Illinois and Audience Essay Example for Free

Illinois and Audience Essay In the start of President Obama’s speech, he starts out by using the term Anaphora†Hello, Colorado! (Applause.) Thank you! Are you fired up? Are you ready to go? (Applause.) Are you fired up?† This helps him to get the audience ready for his speech, and it creates a good atmosphere which also helps him to make a great speech In his speech Barak Obama uses a lot of pathos laden phrases to help him engage his audience and persuade them to agree with him. We see this in his speech when he introduces some good friends â€Å"Weve got some good friends here today. Youve got your outstanding governor, John Hickenlooper†¦And all of you are here, which makes me excited.†This is an example of pathos because, Barak Obama appeals to the audience emotions by referring to other important political people who is from Denver, and by finishing up his sentence by saying that the audience makes him exited. By evoking this sentiment in his audience, Obama manages to get the audience going, and ready to hear more of what Obama has to say. Which is a very important why to start off, because then he knows that the audience is listing to him. We also see this in his speech when he starts to talk about Romney’s politics† It turns out its not a five-point plan Governor Romney has got, its a one-point plan†¦ And weve been working for four years to clean up this mess that these policies left behind.†This is an example of pathos because, when Obama talks about Governor Romney’s politics he tries to connect to the audience emotion, and he also tries to convince them that his politics is the right one. Obama thereby achieves to get his audience to agree with him, when he criticizes Governor Romney’s politics. He succeeds in doing it, when he tells about that Romney has a five point plan, when it’s only a one which they already tried before Obama took of fice. And that plan took America into the worst economic crises since the Great Depression. In his speech Obama uses logos by appealing to the audience sense. We see this in his speech when he talks about voting† Don’t boo vote. (Applause.) Vote. That’s the way to show your opinion, is to vote† This is a clear example of logos because he clearly appeals to the sense of the audience. By appealing to the sense of the audience, Obama succeeds in getting his message out; that it is important that you vote, instead of just complaining about the other parties view. He is telling that the only way you can get your opinion out, is to vote. A little later in Obama’s speech, he appeals to the audience sense again, we see this in his speech when he talks about the symptoms of romnesia, and tells what the cure is.†But, Denver, I want you to know this: If you feel any symptoms coming on†¦ There’s a cure, Colorado, as long as you vote. (Applause.) Ther e’s a cure.† This is an example of logos because; Obama is again appealing to the audience sense that they need to vote for him. By appealing to the audience Obama achieves, to make sure that they know that he is the cure for Romnesia. By the word Romnesia, Obama uses the term pun; this helps him to create a negative feeling of the work, when you compare it to his own healthcare package â€Å"Obamacare†, with this term he also uses a pun just in a positive way, which creates a good feeling about the word. But the most important part of this quote is, that he makes sure that the audience, see him as the cure. You can say that he is using logos and pathos in this quote, because he is also trying to reach out after the audience emotions. During president Obama’s speech he uses a lot of different terms, the two I have concentrated about is pathos and logos. I find these two terms very important, because it helps him construct a good flowing speech, while he also gets the audience or the ones watching it in TV to agree with him, that’s how he uses pathos. For the once who isn’t sure of what they are going to vote or if they are going to vote, here he uses logos to reach out to the sense audience and tries to help them decide on voting for him.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Business Objectives Of New Technologies Information Technology Essay

The Business Objectives Of New Technologies Information Technology Essay Prior to think about starting new business or implementing new technology to the business, one must think about the Objectives what they are expecting from it and objectives are based on planning. Therefore, plan is the most important part and if plan does not figure out the outcomes, this would mean that the plan made is vain. So planning should be made under consideration that whatever objectives we are going to calculate from the business, plan should stipulate end results and its associated activities to achieve that results. Objective may be set under the consideration of increase in monthly sale, profit or decrease in cost, operating expenses, check and balance on cash flows, debts, investments etc or non financial objectives such as customer satisfaction and whatsoever to give the positive edge to the business in the competitive environment. However, the selected topic would highlight the introduction of a new technology in an organisation in achieving its business objectives in following discussion. 1. Introduction Lots of executives nowadays are more sentient about the strategic weight of technology in terms of providing the value and cut-throat edge to their companies in fast pacing business arena. Such kind of needs turn into more crucial issues when we talk about their practical implications in any business as it comprises not only cost and complexity but also increase in the rate of technology change, sources and competition. This may sound uncomplicated in terms of designing it on papers, however putting it prudently into practice is not simple, as it requires valuable processes, management of technology and system to make sure that these technological resources are matched with the business needs, not only to cope with current demand but for the future needs of the business as well. Hence, no matter what technology is planned to introduce in the business, but it must considered that it assists the business processes such as communication and its implementation must be aligned with business strategy and development. 1.1 Technology And Its Appendage To Business We can define technology in many ways and the abstracts from the various definitions highlight different aspects that epitomize technology and this can be deemed as a precise type of knowledge however this may also be in material form in a shape of physical object, e.g. it can be a machine, system, module or product. Moreover, when we talk about important elements of technology then we come across with the sense that these elements distinguish technology from ordinary understanding to precise understanding of the company, as technology comprises with engineering and science. And the procedures which work effectively for its functions are also very important, for instance organisations structures and software applications / tools together with innovative procedures and advancement of new product etc. Obtaining awareness about the technology and accommodating it for its effective use is crucial, as technical know-how of any technology consists of both overt and unspoken knowledge. Where, overt know-how can be explained whether in a form of report, process or user manual, together with the physical equipment. However, unspoken technological knowledge can not be easily expressed and depends on training and understanding of work such as obtaining different skills according to the need of work. Equally like technology, we can portrait technology appendage to business in a way that it concentrates on the effectual recognition, selection, getting hold of development, utilization and shielding of technology needed to uphold a market place and business recital in conformity with companys objectives. So technology appendage to business can demonstrate as ascertaining and upholding the link between resources and objectives of the company and this requires suitable processes and tools sustai n by effective management and communication. 1.2 Management of Technology Once technology introduces to the business the next phase comes in the shape of its management which elucidate the demanding processes to build up an incessant relationship between product and services that it can produce desired results while serving to the target market. In this way it becomes easy for it to put together all technological issues arise during the business processes, including innovation, operation management, strategy development and new product development and ultimately the extraction of those issues with best solutions. Excellent management of technology requires the strong link of knowledge and communication among the technological and commercial perspectives in the organization and this would help to accomplish a balance between technology push and market pull. Thus, it does not only depend alone on either internal or external factors but equally on both factors such as business objectives, inside culture of the company and dynamics of the market. Following figure shows how technology can support to both product and services to achieve its best and cost efficient results while simultaneously focusing on business strategy and available market opportunities. Key Challenges As challenges are associated with all of the businesses, fields, professions, processes, etc similarly there are various challenges attached with the introduction of new technology to the business few of the vital challenges are as follows: Comprehensible Business Need The first challenge prior to decide the introduction of new technology to the business is Need and this must be taken into account with high consideration as cost of implementing new technology must not exceed the benefits originate from it. Otherwise lack of clear business need may affect worst to the business position and ultimately may put business out from the market. 1.3.2 Valuable Business Processes Once its decided that there is a genuine need of the new technology in the business and competitive advantage would be driven into the business, then there is a need to think about how to develop valuable business processes which would align all internal and external factors with the business strategy to achieve its objectives and it must not overload from limited or short term tasks only. Organisation Culture Culture of any organisation is vital for its success so new technology must be supportive to its culture and should participate in the effective progress of making culture stronger than the ongoing culture and definitely it should not impede the ongoing progress otherwise the introduction of new technology would be costly rather than beneficial to the company. 1.3.3 Right People and Functions There is also a need to ensure that right people and functions must be aligned with new technology as it all depends on the knowledge and skills so if the right persons are not put in place to exercise it or in the process of making functions to obtain competitive outcomes then the best use of new technology may concealed forever from the companys desired results. 1.3.4 Obligation from Senior Management Obligation from senior management is required for this introduction as they are in command to decide and use of the technology. As they are working for the best interest of the shareholders so every decision from them must be transparent and they are accountable and responsible for their actions towards the companys progress. Lack of commitment in this regard may affect worst on the decision of introduction of new technology. 1.3.5 Required Data / Information Availability of required data / information is essential that could support the companys decision for the introduction of new technology. Because this would help the management to decide whether these is a need for the new technology in the business or they can make outsource arrangements for the required processes without this data / information company may play blind ultimately associated cost would turn their profit into loss. Effective Tools / Techniques Effective tool, techniques and methods must be analysed which would be associated to the new technology as these should not either play a difficult or negative role in the companys ongoing processes. Consequently, these would leave destructive impact on the operations and company may face solvency or loss due to the introduction of new technology. Effectual Training and Monitoring Training must be provided to all of the staff members involved in the processes affected by the introduction of new technology as without the proper training they may face difficulty to use or bypass cost effective processes and finally monitoring is vital for the sake of observing the desired benefit calculated prior to the introduction. If company achieves its objectives then its beneficial and would give competitive advantage and if not then company always move with the contingency plan to depart from the use of new technology or processes. 2. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) New Technology By Tesco Tesco is trying to develop the idea of introducing new technology Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) from last 5 years with a perspective to align it with its business strategy. 2.1 How It Works This technology has an ability to track and tag items, on the other hand its implication is enormous. For instance, the movement of stock can be tracked and in transit products can be easily monitored, so inventory of all items can be examined at any time. 2.2 Enhanced Customer Availability With the help of stock tracking in real time and ability to record it automatically, this technology will help the staff members to re-shelve the items on time. Eventually, it will be the reason for enhanced customer availability to the stores. 2.3 Reduced Pricing Through this technology control over the waste in store, effective supply chain management and better stock levels would help Tesco to reduce the products prices to obtain competitive advantage. In simple words products would be ordered in controlled manner such as Just In Time delivery before the stock ends and eventually minimum waste of it in store. 2.4 Enhanced Customer Services Due to control over all other aspects such as enhanced products availability, the staff would be able to provide excellent and focused customer services. As, they would get awareness of stocks in seconds of time whether items are available or not together with tracking the misplaced items and putting them back to their places. 2.5 Automated Re-order As, this technology keeps record of all items available in stores, in transit, misplaced in the store and control over the wastage of inventory. So, it would be possible to reorder items automatically based on the contact of minimum level of stocks of each item. 2.6 Implementation Issues Tesco is still working on this project to implement it in its stores but there are many issues left and need appropriate intention and secure programming. The main barrier around its implementation is the requirement of huge cost and without cost / benefit analysis Tesco is not ready to implement / test it in any of its stores. But it is expected that it will introduce in 2010. The other main issue which has to consider carefully that this technology has a potential of spy and this issue has already risen by Civil Rights activists. Also there is apprehension about the manipulation of data in terms of changing in the product price by customers. For instance, PDA (hand held device) may edit the tag of one item with the price of another. 2.7 Conclusion The idea behind introducing the new technology is that whether it endows positive and efficient results to what is currently in use by the company or not. So, the thing is company has to decide that whether they need to upgrade the existing technology already in use or introduce the new technology to achieve business objectives while taking advantage of the more profit, competitive edge / enhancement of operational activities or if they can push the business activities forward without introduction of new technology. Also company must take its vision in account and must ensure that this new technology is heading towards the same direction and has ability to dominate the future approach of performing a task in the companys favour or will it become obsolete after a little time (companys loss in terms of functional cost) or complex in use that customers will lean while using it at the time to buy a product (damage of image). Apart from the criticism about spy and other associated issues, Tesco knows that introduction of new technology has other short terms issues as well such as re-organising, re-training of staff, educating customers how to use it etc. Moreover, the cost / benefit analysis are left behind and has to analysed before the implication of this new technology. This is fair to say while concluding from the introduction of new technologys analysis that business would not obtain benefits if it is same alike so. And if without introducing new technology a business is already standing on the top of competitive environment then there is no need to introduce new technology to the business but hold the card to put off when any of the competitors changes its approach to come forward in the competitive business arena. 3. Approaches Of Introduction Of New Technology Once I read the available list for The Oxford Brookes University  Research and Analysis Project (RAP) by ACCA, I decided to write on How the introduction of a new technology can assist an organisation in achieving its business objectives and for this purpose I selected Tesco RFID to refer it with the different available approaches. Following are various approaches / levels / stages etc that every company may consider while functioning about the introduction of new technology to achieve their business objectives: 3.1 Planning Of Product / Technology This is the very common type towards the introduction of new technology in the business and it covers the entire processes that a company may come across with right from its start to its end. This stage helps the company to insert technology in their running system and contrived products. Tesco RFID prior to its development was taken into account with a consideration of individual customers understandings and needs. The idea was based on customers shopping experience and wastage of stock in the stores. So they planned to introduce a new technology that regulates with the current operational activities and this process can be seen in the following figure which shows the timely introduction and connection of products-technologies relationship on planning stage. 3.2 Capabilities Of New Technology After the planning stage, the next step companies consider for the introduction of new technology in their businesses is analysing the capabilities to handle the current operations of the organisation by new technology that it should enhance the performance of the ongoing processes and should not become the reason of either making it difficult to handle or making the current operations more complex than their existing way. Same as in the case of RFID, Tesco reviewed its existing operations and analysed that with the help of capabilities of new technology together with the management serving the customers by giving individual attention, the implementation of RFID would be very effective. The technology captured positive perception but still issues are associated with it and Tesco is working hard to resolve these issues. Tesco management knows that it would give them cost reduction benefit by controlling over the wastage of stock but the implementation is still delayed due to the high initial cost requirement and other issues. But, it seems like Tesco management is sure about technologys capabilities and exceptional services by staff members so they know that it would help Tesco to understand that how much investment is required to implement it properly and ultimately this would become a rationale in increased business activities plus profit. Following figure shows the interrelationship between all activities behind the introduction of new technology in the business to achieve its objectives. 3.3 Strategic Approach It is very important to keep in mind about the future vision of any introduction of new technology in the business as it comprises on the all vital aspects of the business environment including market, product, skills, technology etc. So prior to deciding for the new technology, companies should made the vision that what they are expecting from this new project that it should stroll along with all vital aspects of the business without having conflict with any of it. The same way, Tesco realised that they can save much of the costs they are wasting in a way of stock wastage and made vision that this RFID would produce excellent results in terms of increase in sales and reduction in costs including management cost and more important is that it is aligned with its operations and future vision. Following figure shows the how the strategic approach works for the business even to fill out the gap which turns up due to the comparison of current position with the future vision. 3.4 Information System Information system is vital part of every successful project and especially when thinking about to introduce new technology to the business. All of the projects essences up to its success are based on the right information on timely basis. If wrong information driven on the initial stage would mean the wrong decision for the future and ultimately it would drive company towards cost and loss of business. Tesco for instance, when initially took step for introducing the RFID they came across from many experiments in the shape of surveys and observing customers behaviour and they collected right information from its various outlets to make decision about introducing new technology. So, we can see from the following figure that right information on right time in the process of technology development provides the dominant outcome (e.g. nugget in the fig) leads to cost effective edge in the companys operations. 3.5 Asset and Management Knowledge On the basis of aligning available management and asset knowledge companies can portray the future demands. Asset knowledge relates to the processes on which management takes decision about the projects and their needs including introduction of new technology and this is the stage where management takes business objectives very carefully in to account. As Tesco on the basis of its knowledge and management skills enabled it to take a decision about to introduce RFID. With the help of following figure we can analyse that how all aspects of introduction of new technology in business such as assets, knowledge and management help to align all the processes while focusing on the eventual end of achieving business objectives. 4. Issues With Introduction Of New Technology Similar to all projects, there are various issues attached with the introduction to new technology and these issues must take into account very sensibly to achieve the desire business objectives. However the most import issue is Software, as almost all of the technologies are dependent on software that enables its effective use so companies must consider the following main issues related to software: Software should define all aspects of the business processes without any conflict with inter-related activities from enabling data, sharing information, to all templates and protocols. Software should enable management to retrieve data for decision making, analysing situations, and managing the complexities in the systems etc. Software must provide the critical paths of the activities along with available activities which can start parallel to the critical paths to save time and cost and eventually helping management to make timely decisions. Software must have ability to uphold market information, product-market analysis, option evaluations, assessment of technology up gradation etc. Software should have ability to customise it on timely basis according to the requirement to obtain utmost results from the technology. Software should have ability for integration of methods, processes and information. Software must have ability to facilitate the business processes from importing and exporting data simultaneously connecting with other management and business information systems. Software interface must be user friendly with ability to grow with company, this would mean that it must have ability to support multi-users as data would input from various locations and types. Must consider that only software alone may not produce good results as its role is just to support business activities and it depends on the management that how they utilise the best from the information generated from the software. 5. Pros and Cons Of Introduction Of New Technology Like every object new technology introduction also has pros and cons to the business as the logic behind the introduction of new technology is that businesses want to make their activities and processes more efficient as compare to their current available needs. 5.1 Advantages of Introduction of New Technology Following are the advantages of the new technology in business: 5.1.1 Cost Efficient The first and main advantage behind the decision of introduction of new technology is cost saving. 5.1.2 Productivity Increased productivity in terms of production, planning and efficiency is also one of the advantages associated with introduction of new technology to the business. 5.1.3 Reduction in Workforce Automated activities help companies to reduce the workforce eventually this would help as a source of cost saving. 5.1.4 Profitability As efficiency increased it reduces the cost so introduction of new technology to the new business allows work to be done more quickly which would mean more fluency of cash inflows to the business. 5.1.5 Employees Motivation Once company achieved its business objectives from the introduction of new technology this would means business is making profit. So, companies may think about remuneration increment or bonuses to their employees to increase their motivation level. 5.1.6 Effective Communication and Decision Making Introduction of new technology may help companies to communicate effectively with their long distance businesses point of sales and thus it would be easy for them to make decision according to the requirement of a particular area. 5.1.7 Competitive Advantage Companies always decide to introduce new technology with keeping competitive advantages in their mind. It could be offering products on low prices without lowing standard of products. 5.2 Disadvantages of Introduction of New Technology Following are the disadvantages of the new technology in business: 5.2.1 Management Main disadvantage is the introduction of new technology to the business might be difficult to manage. So with high consideration of genuine need must take in to account. 5.2.2 Skills New technology if internal, the company may require to arrange appropriate training for its employees or if external (for customer use) then may not be user friendly and thus beyond the range of use from large number of customers and this would generate loss in return. 5.2.3 Maintenance The maintenance and up gradation of technology to keep it effective may incur more cost than its benefits. 5.2.4 Other Costs Other costs may be in terms of redundancy pay to the staff due to the introduction of new technology and purchasing it for the entire branches of business. 5.2.5 Time Factor Introduction of new technology may obsolete more quicker than the time company calculated to obtain benefits from it. 5.2.6 Integration Introduction of new technology may not integrate with all of the business processes or may bypass various activities which may be important to take into account for the effective outcome. 5.2.7 Substitute Substitute of the technology may be more efficient of cheaper than the technology company is going to arrange for its business activities. This would mean inefficient and costly decision by management without making proper research. 6. Conclusion From all of the above discussion we can abstract that introduction of new technology (if genuinely required by the company) has great potential to support the development and implement of business activities, align with strategy of the company while endowing a company with the effective information, processes and tool to obtain positive outcomes. The following features of introduction of new technology have identified: A lot of benefits of new technology are taken from the business processes and these processes brings together personnel from various divisions of the business endowing them chance to share effective information and their perspectives towards the development of new technology. The obvious advantage to develop and introduce the new technology is based on the effective communication which is associated with business processes and eventually with the strategic planning. The new technology development may have potential for supporting business planning and strategy to achieve the business objectives sketched by businesss vision. New technology introduction is not a black box approach that it would use as a learning experience or flexible approach that it would base on specific circumstances. Introduction of new technology should articulate in graphical form as it is the most effectual means which maintain communication across useful boundaries prior to the development of processes under new technology. New technology must integrate with technology already in use, products development, business processes and commercial activities by the company. New technology should overtly describe the time measurement which is significant for certifying that all business related activities are synchronised effectively. Introduction of new technology must focus on long term vision of the company as the initial investment for the development, implementation, and training about new technology costs as a huge expense to the company. Software plays an important role in every application in the technology. It may alone can not deliver the best results unless it is made as user friendly and integrated with all other related aspects of the business Finally a key benefit of introduction of new technology is sharing of knowledge among all the personnel even if around the globe and the development of strong and common vision where company is heading. 7. Recommendations After working about the implementation of RFID by Tesco and attached issues to this project following are few recommendations for its growth: YE ABHI CHANGE KERNI HEIN Establish Technology Management Practices Create IT Management Team ORG does not have a formal technology management team. Given the size of ORGs computing environment, CompuMentor recommends ORG develop an Information Technology Management Team. This team will drive the overall direction of technology and information systems. We have found this to be the most sustainable and cost effective way to manage the technology projects and systems that ORG will be developing. This team can be comprised of existing staff through a reallocation of their time depending the existing staff skill set, interest and budget considerations. Benefits Allows all staff to begin discussing needs, ideas and directions for technology. Provides a realistic technology budget that takes into account the organizations technology plans. Becomes a focal point for future technology planning, and specific technology projects such as web site construction or database planning. The diverse membership of the tech team can help ensure that such policy is useful for all members of an organization. Recommendation ORG should develop an Information Technology Management Team pooled from its existing staff. The team works to set technical priorities, assist in decisions in technology plan implementation and advocates for technology in the budgeting process. The team is made up of a representative cross-section of the organization. This will be increasingly important as ORGs technological capacity grows and the needs of its users become more diverse. The tech team ensures continuity for planning that outlasts the tenure of any one individual. The tech team should ensure that members also share training opportunities. Document Policies Procedures In order to most productively manage the technology usage at ORG it is important for the organization to document common computer procedures and computer usage policies and to train staff members on these policies and procedures. Recommendation The series of training materials that Miriam has produced should be finalized and deployed to all ORG staff members. Computer usage policies should be drafted and posted at each location. Improve Network Server and File Security. ORG should standardize and improve its network security. The mix of local vs. server accounts and the lack of standards for file organization and file sharing not only requires more overall administration; but also puts ORGs data at risk from loss, theft, or access to private files by individuals who should normally be denied access. Recommendation In order to provide a consistent model among all of its offices ORG should follow a standard set of guidelines for storing and sharing files. Additionally, all user accounts should be centralized on the servers at each location. A consistent file storage and sharing model will help users across the organization to know where to put files so that they are secure and confidential. Considerations This recommendation should be considered when planning to replace the network server at the unified Peabody/Whitehall office as many of the tasks below could be most quickly performed on a new server. Evaluate need for regular systems administration. Due to the size of ORGs organization, it should consider how much time is spent administering various systems and resolving day-to-day user problems. ORG presently has a person at each location designated as the defacto administrator. This role is in addition to their regular mission oriented duties. Recommendation ORG should track its daily user related issues and the amount of time it takes to resolve them over a period of time (30-60 days). Evaluate the time requirement to resolve such issues in order to identify if further scheduled support service or a full-time administrator is required to free up the time of the present administrators and to provide better service to staff members. Establish a formal technology budget. ORG pr

Network Management Roles In Growth Information Technology Essay

Network Management Roles In Growth Information Technology Essay The arrival of computer technology these days are contributed to the growth of many business corporations, especially computer networking (Vivki, 2010). There are three main goal of network management is to make operations more efficient, and operators more productive (Alexander, 2007). There is cost, quality and revenue (Alexander, 2007). I will explain these goals further by using examples and information I have found. I will discuss the essay question by using some real life examples of company experiences that was affected by network management, for example how the company gained benefits from network management and how the company loss revenue for having a bad network management and so on. I also will describe some network management tools that help company to gain different benefits and reduce cost. According to research, if network management is managed properly, it can be a positive business asset (Jason, 2010). Computer network creates an easy and convenient way for employees and clients to communicate and make transaction between each other (Vicki, 2010). Based on research, with the growth of the internet with/and good network management skills by the network administrator, the corporation will have higher chance to success or grow (Vivki, 2010). Based on the research I have done, I agree that network management do play an important key role in corporate business growth, and I realized that no business can do or success without technologies in this modern time, particularly computer network and systems. Small and large companies are depending a lot on computer network communication to get things done faster and more reliable compared to the traditional method of doing things. As the rate of technology keeps changing in the business field, we will definitely see more changes after the next three years than we have seen in the past ten. It is also impossible for organisations to grow if they have poor-performance of network management or poor-maintenance skills as well. In the real situation, every business is aimed towards growth, and network support is standing at the middle of those many factors leading to the progress of a business (Bryan, 2009). Today, network management has become a compulsory Information Technology(IT) system or department for every business corporation, because computer field, including network management as well, has expanded a great deal for organisations. This means that businesses will surely gain advantage or benefit from installing and understanding the latest network technology (Bryan, 2009). As IT teams has played an important role in an organisation, it is essential for the companys manager to choose the IT firm that could gives them reliable performance and ensure of quick response time in maintaining, installing and repairing networks and servers. Based on research, if a company h as an efficient computer network, most probably it will raise business outcome, reduce unnecessary costs and increase business efficiency, this makes network installation and computer maintenance as the two most important aspect of business growth (Bryan, 2009). I will explain more about the benefits of network management in the next paragraph. In todays networked economy, understanding the business impact of network management is important, because most of the business revenue is relying on network-based system whose availability and performance are critical to survival and business growth (Stephen, 2003). The company network is like the backbone of the company, customers use the network service to access into goods and services that is provided by the company, or whether for Internet or databases access, billing enquiry, or other business practices (Stephen, 2003). The entire company business will suffer if the network fails or network does not manage properly by the network manager, because customers and employees cannot communicate, they cannot access needed information, or employees are not able to perform printing, and email services; this will causes productivity suffer and a stop to revenue flowing, for example, if a network failure affects the email services/server. Today, most people are using email services to de liver messages instead of using hand written paper. If the companys network device fails, employees are not able to deliver email and part of the business will be terminated. Customers are affected, employee productivity slows down, the reputation of the corporation will decrease, and revenue will be dried up (Stephen, 2003). In my opinion, this is the reason why network must be properly managed and always need a redundancy for any obstacles that may bring in the future. The information about the network failure that was mentioned just now, the network manager should be responsible for this case because it is network managers job to maintain good network performance. Network Managers must ensure he could minimize the downtime and remain the network performance speed, so most of the network managers will use network management systems or tools together to manage the network. These systems also allow businesses to operate more efficiently, low costs, and prevent revenue loss. I will p rovide some examples of companies to prove the usage of these systems. After explaining of how network management affects business growth, I will now provide some white/research paper, books, and internet resources discussion that I have found to explain the real-world situation of organisations that is affected by the network management. This is to prove that network management does play an important role in business growth. As networks grow larger, they will become less manageable (Douglas, 2007). In fact, we are already reaching the limits of network sizes that we can handle with the current tools (Douglas, 2007). In addition, network management helps to keep networking cost and operational cost under control. Businesses increasingly rely on data networks as the primary link to customers and other businesses. One particular aspect of network management has become inextricably linked to the bottom line: network downtime. For many businesses, the losses that occur while a network is down, brings the business to staggering results. Ironically, as businesses grow and its network size increases, the time required to diagnose and repair increases rapidly, businesses that are most successful bears the most risk (Douglas, 2007). These days many network companies, like Dell Corporation, provides network management tool. Dell creates a network management software/tool to provide easier methods to manage their ow n network to reduce cost, because it is expensive to hire a network management professional to manage a companies network, and by reducing the cost, the company could use the money to invest into other field (Stephen, 2003). The system will provide a so called early warning system for network outages or failure to warn users that problems are coming soon. The software name is called Dell OpenManage. The software is designed to meet the cost and feature requirements of Small, Medium Enterprises, and it also save time and money (Stephen, 2003). As I mentioned earlier, these tools are created for companies to manage their network with some easy features and to support their business objectives and brings revenues while reducing costs by helping IT administrators to manage the companies network in less time and in a more efficient manner. Furthermore, I will provide another example. In the white paper from Solarwinds, network management and monitoring software is on demand for every company across all industries (Mike, 2010). As a result, some companies are experiencing strong Return on Investment(ROI) from a good network management because of the amazing data analysis and reporting that relates to business processes, and it also benefits like consolidated hardware usage, reduced man-hours and reliable network uptime (Mike, 2010). In my opinion, there is no excuse for companies to not be careful about their investment on network and Information Technology in these days or else, they might lose revenue at the end of the day. One way to reduce cost for network management is to use a network management tool. The example below shows how a team has gained benefits from a network management tool. I would like to give another example of a network management tool that brings benefits to a team in an organisation -The Orion. The Orion brings benefits to a senior network engineer in California by providing good network management service with a low cost while he is doing a project with his team members. He mentioned that Orion network management monitor tool helps him and his team increase data capture and report, and offer an easy business root analysis company-wide (Mike, 2010). Orion provides them with system performance insight and it analysis mission-critical business applications, as the result that was calculated, they are able to save $29k on equipment replacement costs over two years (Mike, 2010). Orions automated nature and ability to approach network issues proactively saved the company about $50k in its overall IT budget in 2008 and $80k in 2009, rather than employing help desk workers, a system admin and a network engineer to manually monitor the network, the product can do the job of several individuals (Mike, 2010). From saving all the money from 2008 to 2009, the company is able to use that money to support into other fields. From my point of view, the company might need to spend $50K to $80K or more to support network management to achieve their needs if they work the plan without a network management tool. Based on the conclusion of the white paper, they conclude that network management can provide tangible results for the company; not only helping to make their job easier but also easing issues across the entire company (Mike, 2010). In my opinion, I totally agree with the explanation shows just now that network management plays an important role in corporate business growth. Based on a white paper, reducing or preventing network downtime is the biggest factor in preserving revenue, maintaining customer satisfaction, maintain the companys reputation and maximizing productivity (Jason, 2009). A company stated that SME companies experience an average of nearly 140 hours of downtime every year. The study concluded that the total impact of an outage was 55% lost revenue and 45% lost productivity (Jason, 2009). The total amount of downtime reduction can deliver significant business savings, one group of SMEs in the study experienced an average loss of $70,000per downtime hour (Jason, 2009). Further analysis found other studies into the causes of downtime concluded that 45% of all network outages are caused by configuration error or network management, sometimes referred to as soft issues. In my opinion, the network is at the core of the activities and must operate efficiently and reliably. They also concluded and confirmed that without network management, comp anies are vulnerable to network performance and availability problem. According to research, when changes to the network are not carefully planned and implemented, it compounds the difficulty of maintaining the network in a cost-effective way (Jason, 2009). Based on research, top managements support is critical for projects to be successful (Teresa, 2005). However, in large organisations spread across the globe, it is easy to lose sight of this factor. CIO reports the case of a company that lost 50% of its market capitalization due to top management failure to implement a global information technology strategy (Teresa, 2005). The failure cost the company approximately $500 million dollars (Teresa, 2005). There were several IT issues that were the cause for a lot of agony. First, customer queries on order status took several days to respond. Second, orders from a single customer with locations in different countries were processed by separate systems (Teresa, 2005). This created unnecessary statements to the customer. In my opinion, I conclude that most of the problems are affected by bad network management, for example the second issue about customer locations in different countries been processed by separate system, should blame on net work manager for not having good network management plan. In conclusion, I have explained three network management goals that effect the business growth by using examples of companies and information I have found. I have used some real life company experiences that were affected by network management. And I have explained how network management tool will provide different benefits to a company in certain situations. Based on every research and information I have found, I concluded that network management play such a key role in generating revenue and keeping employees productive and customers happy, we need to understand the importance of network management and the role it plays in maintaining network performance, availability, and customer satisfaction. In return, having an effective network management working in an organisation should provide a excellent performance, and governance, to ensure the ongoing success of the communications infrastructure in support of, and aligned to, organisational goal (Jason, 2010). Bibliography Devaraj, S and Kohli, R, The IT payoff : measuring the business value of information technology investment, Prentice-Hall Inc, 2003. Harris, K, Building the new Enterprise People, Processes and Technology, Sun Microsystems Press, 1998 Dawson, R. Living Networks: Leading Your Company, Customers, and Partners in the Hyper-Connected Economy. Prentice-Hall Inc, 2003.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Life was drastically changed during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a period of time where machinery was used for manufacturing massive production of goods that began in England in the middle 1700s. This revolution was significant because machinery now changed the way nations produced and distributed goods; therefore, it increased the availability and affordability of goods for all people. To understand the Industrialization Revolution, it is necessary to take a closer look at the Pre-Industrialization. During the Pre-Industrialization, most people belonged to either high or low-class not middle class, and many were farmers who lived in the countryside. Also, goods were made by hand thus the products were not readily affordable or available. However, agricultural revolution, population growth, natural resources, factors of production,inventions and transportation all contributed to the growth of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution resulted in positive and negative changes that paved the way for the working condition and wages, living condition and reform of social class. As a result of enclosure movement, many farmers moved into cities and became factory workers. During the agricultural revolution, wealthy landowners bought land that was formerly worked by village farmers and forced the farmers to give up farming and move into cities. These farmers faced many difficulties during their first year living in the city since jobs were hard to find. Factory owners hired them because they knew that they could pay low wages or reduce them if workers were late or their business was bad and fine or threaten to fire them if they were not paying attention to their work at all times (Doc A). This exam... ... included doctors, lawyers, workers, and merchants who arose as a result of industrialization. This example reinforces the idea that wealth could be earned during the industrialization. As the social class reformed the middle class also earned a comfortable living conditions while it would take a longer time for the working class to catch up. It is essential to recognize the problems that followed industrialization, but the long-term positive effects are more important because the revolution created massive production of goods, jobs for workers, and most importance is the reform of social class where workers’ lives gradually improved. The facts clearly shows that the reform of social class outweigh the low wages, harsh working and living conditions, short lifespan. The Industrial Revolution left the lasting impression of economic successes and social structure.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Shakespeare’s King Lear Essay -- essays research papers fc

Multiple Viewpoints of Shakespeare’s King Lear Shakespeare’s King Lear is a tragic about an aging King of Britain and his three daughters. When it comes time to divide his kingdom, he puts his daughters through a test to prove how much they love him. The two older daughters, Goneril and Regan, give King Lear flattering answers and therefore receive great amounts of finer land. The third and youngest daughter, Cordilia, says that she has no words to describe how much she loves her father. King Lear becomes enraged with Cordilia and disowns her and gives her no land. The rest of the play tells the story of how the two older daughters become corrupt and get greedy. King Leer is thrown out of his own house by his daughters and begins his decline into madness. This plot has lead to the development of different interpretations and versions of the play. These slants change the setting and viewpoint of the play, but not the basic plot and story line. Shakespeare sets up King Leer as a tragedy. The play is meant to be very dramatic and done with lots of emotion. This can be seen when King Leer is having his rage with the storm as well as when he finds his daughter Cordilia dead. He begins to slip in and out of madness once again. This same drama is tried to be displayed in the slant of Shakespeare’s King Lear, King of Texas. The director of King of Texas, Ulrich Edel, a director from Neuenburg am Rhein, Germany, has directed many movies, television shows, as well as television mini series since 1984. Ulrich Edel also has some experience with Shakespeare before. In 2002 he directed the television mini series on USA, Julius Caesar. Ulrich Edel selects a cast that also has some excellent credentials. Patrick Stewart plays the lead of John Leer in the movie. Patrick Stewart is famous for being Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek the Next Generation, which ran from 1987-1994. Stewart also has extensive Shakespeare experience. He joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1966, to begin 27-year association. Patrick Stewart in supported by Marcia Gay Harden, Oscar-nominated for "Pollock†, Lauren Holly, and Julie Cox. All of these actors and actresses along with Ulrich Edel’s credentials bring good credibility to the movie. The movie itself was nominated and won some awards. Patrick Stewart was nominated for a ... ... very good job of this, however many people of the audience said it helped them relate more to King Lear after watching the movie. Although the details of the movie may not have been up to par with most, it seemed to entertain and be enjoyed by the audience. King of Texas is only one viewpoint on King Lear. This version can be taken as just a movie to entertain or a slant on Shakespeare’s King Leer. Works Cited Halio, Jay L., ed. Critical Essays on Shakespeare’s King Lear. New York: Prentice Hall International, 1996. â€Å"King of Texas.† Culture Vulture. September 21, 1998. 2 March 2005. â€Å"King of Texas.† IMBD. 2 March 2005. â€Å"King of Texas.† American Western Magazine. 2 March 2005. â€Å"King of Texas.† Amazon. 2 March 2005. Quinn, Edward G., ed. William Shakespeare’s King Lear. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1970.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jewish religion Essay

Judaism is the Jewish religion. It is one of the oldest of the great world religions, and is the mother religion of both Christianity and Islam. Judaism was not founded by one towering personality, as were most other religions. Abraham and Moses are not regarded as founders. Abraham was the â€Å"father of the Hebrew people† and Moses was the â€Å"law-giver†. With the destruction of Solomon’s temple at Jerusalem in 586 B. C. began the scattering of the Hebrews over many lands. From then on Judaism developed as a religion without the priestly class of the ancient temple. Moreover, Judaism is one of the oldest beliefs that are still observed and practiced up to the present and considered as one of the first recorded â€Å"monotheistic† faiths. The Jewish’s values and history are the main part of the foundation of different Abrahamic religions like Christianity, Islam, Samaritanism and the Baha’i Faith. In 2006, Judaism’s devotees are approximately 14 million that makes Judaism faith as the eleventh-biggest organized religion globally. Unlike with other religions, Judaism is totally distinct in such a way that its â€Å"central authority is not vested in any person or group† but it abides in its writings and traditions. This would mean that Judaism religion does not have a head or a leader that oversees them but they rather obey what is written in its writings and traditions. Moreover, the Judaism church is continually bound to a number of religious practices and beliefs, specifically its belief that there is one, omnipotent, omni benevolent, transcended omniscient God who made the heavens and the earth and continually have its control over mankind. The conventional Jewish belief stated that the God who made the universe had made a covenant with the Jewish people only and gave his laws and commandments through Torah. Judaism‘s belief and practices are focused on these laws and commandments (see Asheri, Michael. Living Jewish: the Lore and law of the Practicing Jew, 1999). According to Jewish law, anyone who has a Jewish mother counts as a Jew, even if he or she is not religious. Many Jews do, however, actively follow the religious practices of Judaism. Judaism is one of the world’s oldest religions, beginning some 3,500 years ago in the Middle East. Today, there are about 18 million Jews. They live all over the world, but mostly in the United States, Europe and Israel. There are many different groups of Jews with different ways of practicing their faith. The main groups are Orthodox, Reform and Conservative Jews (see Jacobs, Louis. The Book of Jewish Belief (Behrman House, 2000). The intents of this paper are to: (1) know what Judaism is and how it started; and (2) to compare Judaism to Christianity. II. Background According to the Jewish holy books, the first Jew was a man called Abraham, who is known as the father of the Jewish people. He was the leader of a group of nomadic people, called the Hebrews. At that time, the Hebrews worshipped many different gods. Abraham taught his people that there is only one God and that they should worship only him. Jews believe that God made a covenant, or agreement, with Abraham. If Abraham and his people worshipped God and lived good and just lives, God would look after them and give them a land of their own to live in. This was the Promised Land of Canaan (see Shenker, Israel. Coat of many Colors: Pages from Jewish Life (Doubleday, 2001). The Jews settled in Canaan but centuries later, famine forced their descendants to move to Egypt in search of food. They worked for the Egyptians but were treated like slaves and their lives were extremely miserable. God remembered his promise to Abraham and sent a man called Moses to lead the Jews to freedom. Several times, Moses asked the Pharaoh to let the Jews go, but each time he refused. Only after God sent ten terrible plagues to Egypt did the Pharaoh change his mind. Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and into the desert. After 40 years of wandering, God guided the Jews back to the Promised Land (see Prager, Dennis, and Joseph Telushkin. Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism (Simon & Schuster, 1999). The Jewish scriptures are called the Tenakh. They are divided into three parts—the Torah (5 Books of Teaching), the Nevi’im (21 Books of the Prophets) and the Ketuvim (13 Books of Writings). The initials of the three parts—T, N and K—give the word Tenakh. For Jews, the Torah is the most important part of their scriptures because it contains the rules that teach Jews how to live their lives. These are the teachings that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai during the Jews’ journey through the desert. They are summed up by ten rules, or commandments (see Musaph-Andriesse, R. G. From Torah to Kabbalah: a Basic Introduction to the Writings of Judaism (Oxford University, 1998).

Cruise Control

Dept. of Electronics & Communication RVCE, Bangalore sail watch System skunkvass tick saturnine is a immature technological take onment which incorporates a performer of comfort in driving. rubber is wholly a sm tout ensemble public assistance of this remains. In short, sail sustain faeces be said to be a trunk which mappings the principles of micro ripple radar to determine the distances in the midst of two consecutive moving fomites in which either one or twain of them is incorporated with this formation. Lalitha Chinmayee H M 1RV11EC052 Namratha H Mahesh 1RV11EC062 IntroductionEvery minute, on average, at least one person dies in a crash. subscriber frontier bags and seat belts save tens of thousands of people a year. But the ultimate solution and the only thing that testamenting save outlying(prenominal)thermost more lives, limbs and money is sheet incorporate trunk. sail determine was commercially introduced in 1958 as an option on the Chrysl er Imperial. travel rail machinery is an invaluable frolic on Ameri displace elevator elevator motor machines. Without earth-c drowse offtvas retain, long passage trips would be more tiring, for the driver at least, and those of us suffering from lead-foot syndrome would probably seduce a rotary more locomote tickets.Cruise tone shoot muckle is far more parking atomic number 18a on Ameri fag political machines than European cars, beca call the routestead in America are in general bigger and straighter, and destinations are farther apart. With handicraft continually change magnitude, basic natesvass escort is becoming less useful, besides sooner of becoming obsolete, sheet lead governance of ruless are adapting to this new reality soon, cars bequeath be equipped with adaptive journey get over, which testament allow your car to follow the car in front of it while continually adjusting repair to affirm a expert distance. What is Cruise hold k eister System?Cruise entertain is a system, which mechanically regards the facilitate of an automobile. Most bathroomvass authorization systems male parentt allow the use of travel visualize beneath a original amphetamine. The purpose of the sail visualize system is to maintain a changeless fomite nominatenonball along despite external disturbances, such as changes in wind or bridle-path grade. This is accomplished by mensuration the vehicle quicken, comparing it to the sought after or reference race, and automatically adjusting the triggerman jibe to a control law. The canvas control system genuinely has a potful of functions different than controlling the stimulate of your car.It can accelerate or decelerate with the bung of a press release. T present are in any case several fundamental safety features the sheet control will disengage as soon as you strive the halt motorbike, and it wont engage at speeds less than a particular value (usuall y around 25-30 mph). We all know that the things that control the speed of the car are the drift ride and the pasture brakes. And the in ascertainect that normally controls the speed of the car is the mental capacity of the driver. The driver senses the speed by looking at the speed indicator and then adjusting the mash on the gas pedal or the brakes to compensate for variations in the want speed.The cruise control system does the kindred thing with one exception. It only controls the gas pedal it doesnt even know there are brakes in the car A Blind inventor and machine comparable engineer called Ralph Teetor, invented cruise control in 1943. pic puzzleling To understand the working of a cruise control system, we consider here a simple model of the vehicle dynamics, shown in the free-body diagram (FBD) below. The vehicle, of mass m, is bended on by a control draw and quarter, u. The forcefulness u represents the force generated at the road/tire interface.For this si mplified model we will assume that we can control this force directly and will neglect the dynamics of the powertrain, tires, etc. , that go into generating the force. The resistive forces, bv, callable to rolling resistance and wind drag, are assumed to vary linearly with the vehicle focal ratio, v, and act in the direction reversal the vehicles motion. pic name 1 Summing forces in the x-direction and applying Newtons second law, we arrive at the following system equating (1)pic (1) Since we are interested in controlling the speed of the vehicle, the output equation is chosen as follows 2)pic (2) Taking Laplaces transform for equation (1), we get m sV(s) + b. V(s)=U(s) (3) We find the transfer function of the cruise control system to be pic pic excogitation 2 quit Diagram haughty the Cruise assure The headspring of a cruise control system is a small computer that is normally free-base under the hood or tin the dashboard. It connects to the repress control as surface a s several sensors. The diagram below shows the inputs and outputs of a typical cruise control system. pic Figure 3 Cruise Control Working Block DiagramA good cruise control system accelerates aggressively to the sought after speed without overshooting, and then maintains that speed with littler deviation no matter how often weight is in the car, or how swallow up the hill you drive up. Controlling the speed of a car is a unspotted application ofcontrol system theory. Since the cruise control system controls the speed of the car by adjusting the scrag opinion, it postulate sensors to specialise it the speed and throttle position. It also needs to monitor the controls so it can tell what the desired speed is and when to disengage.The most important input is the speed luff the cruise control system does a lot with this signal. The most basic control system is aproportional control. In a proportional control system, the cruise control adjusts the throttle proportional to th e error, the error cosmos the difference among the desired speed and the actual speed. So, if the cruise control is narrow eat up at 60 mph and the car is issue 50 mph, the throttle position will be open kind of far. When the car is going 55 mph, the throttle position opening will be only half of what it was before.The result is that the immediate the car gets to the desired speed, the slower it accelerates. Also, if you were on a steep enough hill, the car mightiness not accelerate at all. Most cruise control systems use a control scheme calledproportional- inviolate- derived control (PIDcontrol). The integral of speed is distance. The derivative of speed is acceleration. A PID control system uses these three factors proportional, integral and derivative, calculating each(prenominal) individually and adding them to get the throttle position. Weve already discussed the proportional factor.Theintegralfactor is ground on thetime integral of the vehicle speed error. Translat ion the difference between the distance your car actually travelled and the distance it would clear travelled if it were going at the desired speed, metric over a stiff period of time. This factor helps the car deal with hills, and also helps it submit into the correct speed and stay there. Lets rate your car starts to go up a hill and slows down. The proportional control change magnitudes the throttle a little, but you may sub referabled slow down.After a little while, the integral control will start to increase the throttle, opening it more and more, because the longer the car maintains a speed slower than the desired speed, the larger the distance error gets. outright lets add in the final factor, thederivative. The derivative of speed is acceleration. This factor helps the cruise control respond quickly to changes, such as hills. If the car starts to slow down, the cruise control can see this acceleration (slowing down and speeding up are twain acceleration) before the speed can actually change much, and respond by increasing the throttle position. pic Figure 4 Block Control of Cruise Control Model Setting of Cruise Control pic pic Figure 5 & 6 Setting of Cruise Control using buttons The system depicted above has five buttons On, Off, Set/Accel, carry on and Coast. It also has a sixth control the brake pedal, and if the car has a manual(a) transmission the clutch pedal is also hooked up to the cruise control. The on and off buttons dont actually do much. striking the on button does not do anything except tell the car that you might be hitting other button soon.The off button turns the cruise control off even if it is engaged. Some cruise controls dont have these buttons instead, they turn off when the driver hits the brakes, and turn on when the driver hits the set button. The set/accel button tells the car to maintain the speed you are currently driving. If you hit the set button at 45 mph, the car will maintain your speed at 45 mph. at tribute down the set/accel button will give way the car accelerate and on this car, tapping it erst will make the car go 1 mph faster. If you recently disengaged the cruise control by hitting the brake pedal, hitting the resume button will command the car to accelerate rump to the most recent speed setting. Holding down the coast button will cause the car to decelerate, just as if you took your foot completely off the gas. On this car, tapping the coast button once will cause the car to slow down by 1 mph. The brake pedal and clutch pedal each have a switch that disengages the cruise control as soon as the pedal is press, so you can shut off the cruise control with a glitter tap on the brake or clutch. reconciling Cruise Control System A more advanced cruise control is being developed that can automatically adjust a cars speed to maintain a safe following distance. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is an automotive feature that allows a vehicles cruise control system to adapt the vehicles speed to the traffic environment. This new technology, called adaptive cruise control, uses forward-looking radar (or lidar light encountering and ranging. But lidar ground ACCs are limited due to poor working in dingy weather), installed behind the grill of a ehicle, to detect the speed and distance of the vehicle leading of it. pic Figure 7 Adaptive Cruise Control System Adaptive cruise control is confusable to stuffy cruise control in that it maintains the vehicles pre-set speed. However, unlike conventional cruise control, this new system can automatically adjust speed in order to maintain a decent distance between vehicles in the analogous lane. This is achieved through a radar pass sensor, digital signal processor and longitudinal controller.If the lead vehicle slows down, or if another object is detected, the system sends a signal to the engine or braking system to decelerate. Then, when the road is clear, the system will re-accelerate the vehicle back t o the set speed. The 77-GHz Autocruise radar system do by TRW has a forward-looking vomit of up to 492 feet (150 meters), and operates at vehicle speeds ranging from 18. 6 miles per hour (30 kph) to 111 mph (180 kph). Delphis 76-GHz system can also detect objects as far away as 492 feet, and operates at speeds as low as 20 mph (32 kph).These systems are being enhanced to include collision cautioning capabilities that will warn drivers through visual and/or sound recording signals that a collision is imminent and that braking or evasive steering is needed. In whitethorn 1998, Toyota became the first to introduce an ACC system on a production vehicle,luxury sedan. Main separate & Working of ACCs The main percentages of a typical radar-based ACC system are 1. federation sensor 2. Headway control building block of measurement 3. Throttle 4. Brake 5. Dashboard present jointure sensor It is a faction of sensors and processors.They are 1. Millimetre-wave radar 2. Stereo televi sion tv photographic camera 3. Image processor 4. Fusion processor pic Figure 8 Architecture of radar Based ACC System Millimetre wave radar It is a sensor which uses millimeter wave for detecting the position and upper of a distant object. Range is calculated using the formula C = 2*R/T Where, C is the velocity of light, R is the range, T is the time of rush of transmission. pic Figure 9 Millimetre radio detection and ranging Unit Stereo camera The cameras function is detection of cars and other objects in the roadway.Image processor It processes the images from the stereo camera and the data fed into the fusion processor. Fusion processorThe function of fusion processor is Data Fusion. Headway control unit It has control on the brakes and throttle and uses dashboard for immediate warnings. Canceling Cruise Control Operation Brake pedal is pressed Off button is pressed Vehicle speed 25 mph An ACC system pick is detected pic Figure 10 A car model with advanced cruise control system First, the vehicle speed sensor might offend. Normally the speedometer also fails so thats pretty wakeful to diagnose.Next, the power to the brain can be interrupted (Here brain is referred to the cruise control system as it works similar to brain). A blown fuse or a corroded connector can prevent the brain from working right or at all. Next, the brains can lose its ability to function. A faulty component can prevent the brain from doing its thing. The brain is a pretty sophisticated lash that contains a lot of electronic components including a microprocessor. Normally when the brains fail you need to alternate the box. The vacuum diaphragm can develop a spring.If that happens then the cruise control might set and hold the speed for well-nigh time however if the leak is larger than the supply line and modulator can add vacuum to the system the system will slowly lose control and the vehicle will slow down. This can also happen if the vacuum line to the diaphra gm is cracked or loose. Finally, the linkage that connects the diaphragm to the accelerator linkage can fail. Some aftermarket cruise control systems use a short length of what looks like fat key chain drop curtain chain. I have seen several units fail when the chain simply breaks. ConclusionBut one drawback is that cruise control systems are dangerous in wet roads and slippery roads as they may cause some serious problems. Fully autonomous car is probably not viable in the foreseen future. Nearby vehicles would be in constant communication with each other and act co-operatively. It will probably take decades, but car accidents may eventually come almost as rare as plane crashes are now. References 1. www. howstuffworks. com 2. www. cars. com/features/adaptivecruisecontrol 3. www. autorepair. about. com 4. ctms. engin. umich. edu/CTMS/index. php? example=CruiseControl=SystemModeling