Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Becoming a Successful Leader in the Hospitality Industry with Research Paper

Becoming a Successful Leader in the Hospitality Industry with Ban-Ki-Moon's Leadership - Research Paper Example This paper analyses or compares the leadership styles in hospitality industry with that of Ban Ki-Moon. According to Tracy and Hinkin (1994), â€Å"Hospitality managers should develop a strong sense of vision to clarify and communicate organizational objectives and create a working environment that fosters motivation, commitment and continuous improvement† (Tracy and Hinkin, p.18). Since hospitality industry is a service oriented industry, the behaviors of the employees play a vital role in bringing success. Demotivated employees may not behave properly with the customers and therefore it is essential for the leaders to ensure that the customer servicing staffs are adequately motivated to their profession all the time. Relationship building with the customers is vital for the hospitality industry to keep a good image in the market all the time. Even a single bad incident can damage the reputation of the organization immensely. â€Å"Both "people skills" and "business skills" are needed and a good manager will exhibit both. People skills include fair play among employees, respect, problem solving abilities and customer relations†(Leadership in Hospitality Industry). Ban Ki-Moon's leadership and the leadership in hospitality industry have lot of similarities. ... In other words, Ban is successful in treating all the countries fairly and he has shown no reservations towards any of the countries. He reacted based on situations or facts rather than the reputations. Leaders in hospitality industry should learn a lot from Ban’s leadership style. Hospitality industry leaders should make sure that all the customers are getting adequate treatment in their organization irrespective of the differences in the origins of the customers. In other words, an American and Indian customer who booked deluxe rooms should get equal treatments irrespective of the country of origin of the customer. Ban is not only keen in solving international political problems, but also in solving environmental problems. Leaders in hospitality industry should also show better commitments towards the community in which their organization operates. It should be noted that majority of service industries generate huge amount of wastes and some hotel groups have the habit of di sposing these waste injudiciously. Taking inspirations from Ban’s leadership, leaders in hospitality industry should make sure that none of their organization’s activities would cause any harm to the environment. Waste handling and recycling should be done in an environment friendly manner so that the people staying around the hotel may not be affected in any ways. Ban is not at all interested in doing something to boost his images. He is interested in doing meaningful things rather than face saving things. Some hotel groups have the habit of doing something to polish their personal face and that of the organization. Current customers are intelligent enough to identify the motives of organizations.

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